Increasingly, couples are including pets in their wedding ceremonies. Online magazine,, quotes Los Angeles wedding planner, Randie Pellegrini, as stating that as many as 60 percent of her clients include animals in their wedding ceremonies. California lifestyle magazine, Palm Springs Life, recently quoted Los Angeles celebrity wedding planner, Mindy Weiss, as stating that approximately 30 percent of the nuptials she plans include family pets. Brides and People magazines both had articles about pets in weddings in their summer 2007 issues.
“Neil and I wanted both of our dogs to participate in our wedding, August 6, 2006. A pet ring bearer pillow was easy to find online, as was pet formalwear. Local florists suggested they make a floral wreath dog collar,” said Pawsitively Purrfect Products PR Specialist and newlywed, Sheryl Bass. “Though these displays are attractive, the flowers could have been toxic, if eaten, or dragged on the ground as my small dog walked. They also wouldn't have allowed her to fulfill the traditional ‘flower child,’ role, which is to distribute a bed of flower petals for the bride to walk upon. Because no such product existed in the marketplace, we knew we had to create one ourselves.”
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