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At Some Weddings, Man's Best Friend Is Man's Best Man
JUNE 15, 2011
At a wedding ceremony in Los Angeles this coming Saturday,
poodle mixes Lily and Luna will walk down the aisle sporting pearl-
white leather leashes and hand-crafted floral collars.
A wrought-iron feeder and stainless-steel water bowls will await
them at the reception, before the dogs cap off the night at a
pet-friendly hotel.
"They are family," says 32-year-old bride-to-be Sarah Royer,
who shares ownership of the pooches with her fiancé, Jonas
Koester, also 32. "They have to be in the wedding."
Man's Best Man
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John Labbe
Even couples who invest in lavish weddings are incorporating pets into their
nuptials. "You just have to be careful in how you handle them," says wedding
designer Preston Bailey of New York. Shown, a client's dog at a 2010 wedding in
Carmel, Calif.
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Increasingly, man's best friend is sometimes also man's best man—if not a ring
bearer, flower girl or simply a member of the wedding party.
To meet this growing demand, wedding planners, niche retailers and other
businesses are offering new services and products geared toward helping pets
fulfill their special roles.
Mostly dogs but also cats, pot belly pigs and birds are getting outfitted with
ornate wedding gear, including miniature tuxedos, veils and top hats. Trainers
are prepping them for top performance and sitters are standing by for when
the job is done. saw a 28% increase in sales of wedding accessories for
pets last year over 2009. Founder Deborah Weckesser says the Stoughton,
Mass., Web retailer has so far this year sold more items in that category than
in all of 2010.
Husband-and-wife team Dedi and Gary Wood of Plano, Texas, have been hired
by six clients to oversee dogs in wedding ceremonies since launching Shadow &
Marty's Pet Care Services in 2008. Another couple, Sheryl Bass and Neil Cline
of Palatine, Ill., sell for $130 a petal-dispensing wooden cart that's hitched to
a pooch to walk down the aisle. The pair invented the device so their
Affenpinscher mix could be in their own wedding in 2006.
"When I found the (pet) petal-pull cart, that turned out to be perfect," says
Sarah Dostal, a 26-year-old health-care worker in Ventura, Calif., who is
getting married in July and will have her and her fiancé's two Shih Tzu take
part in the ceremony.
Angel, a seven-pound, two-year-old, will serve as the flower girl, dispensing
lavender rose petals. Hercules, an older Maltese-Shih Tzu mix, will act as ring
bearer, carrying a $10 pillow she purchased at a crafts store on his back and
fastened by a black ribbon with Velcro.
"It will be like having the spirit of my mom there," says Ms. Dostal of Hercules,
whom she and fiancé, analyst James Darling, adopted from her mother after
she died in 2009.
Once a shocking request, wedding planner Preston Bailey says incorporating
pets into ceremonies has become an accepted practice. He offers tips on how
to have a stress-free and seamless ceremony with your furry friend. WSJ's
Christina Tsuei reports.
Some pet owners bringing their furry kin all the way to the altar are following
the lead of celebrities such as singer Carrie Underwood and actress Tori
Spelling, who included pets in their weddings. Others simply aim to personalize
their nuptials.
"It brings in the personality of the bride and
groom," similar to another growing trend of
couples making donations to their favorite
charities in lieu of party favors, says Anna Pohl,
owner of Day Planners LLC, an event-planning
business in Sarasota, Fla.
Five years ago Ms. Pohl says she hadn't planned
any weddings with pets in them, but now she
does about two out of 30 a year.
Even couples who invest in lavish weddings are incorporating pets into their
nuptials. "You just have to be careful in how you handle them," says wedding
designer Preston Bailey of New York, who charges rates for weddings with or
without pets starting at $200,000. In the past 12 months, he designed three
weddings with dogs in them for the first time, he says.
Accidents can happen even at well-planned ceremonies. Two summers agoNora
Sheils watched in horror when nature called for a client's West Highland
terrier moments before the bride was to come down the aisle at her parents'
home in Portland, Ore. "There was a big gasp," says Ms. Shields, owner of
Bridal Bliss LLC, who plans eight to 10 weddings with pets a year out of an
average of 60.
Brides and grooms also run the risk of offending guests, and churches,
synagogues and other venues often have a no-pets policy. Pets could also
potentially upstage the bride on what is supposed to be her big day.
Making sure everything goes smoothly can be costly. Los Angeles animal
trainer Colleen Paige, who readied pets to participate in 15 weddings last year,
charges about $2,500 per event and more if multiple pets and travel are
involved, or if an animal is especially badly behaved.
Though she mostly works with dogs, she has also prepped a pot belly pig,
miniature horse and a goat for weddings, often setting up mock events for
practice sessions. "It was a tug of war to get the pig down the aisle," she says.
"It kept stopping to eat the flowers."
Write to Sarah Needleman at
The Pet Petal Pullcart® is included in The Bark magazine's 2011 online Pets in
Weddings Coverage!
Sept. 2007
Pawsitively Purrfect Products (www.pawsitively launched its Pet Petal Pullcart®, a lightweight
removable cart secured to a pet's shoulder harness, which when pulled,
distributes flower petals. Weighing under two pounds, the pullcart can be
painted white with opalescent glitter and customized with the couple's names.
Will make wedding photographers heroes with their pet-loving couples.
Friday, November 2, 2007
The Denver Business Journal - by Bruce Goldberg
"I told people I don't mind being upstaged by a dog on my wedding day," says
Sheryl Bass, who works at Solution PR and who helped create the "Pet Petal
Pullcart®." Her dog, Lyric, was harnessed to the contraption during her
wedding about a year ago. As the cart moves forward, it sends flower petals
into the air.
If you've trained your dog better than your
young niece, then utilize the Pet Petal Pullcart
at your next marriage ceremony.
"We both wanted our dogs to be in our
wedding," Bass says. "They're basically our
hairy children. There are a lot of products that
enable dogs to be a ring bearer. But there was
nothing comparable that would allow them to be
a flower dog, dispensing flower petals along the
She didn't want to just put a floral wreath around Lyric's neck. "The dog
might try to eat the flowers; it doesn't dispense the flower petals; they might
be toxic; and my dog is built low to the ground," she says by way of
So her husband, Neil Cline, created a prototype. Now, they make them to
custom orders, about 20 so far -- including a bumper sticker on the back of
the cart, carrying the names of the bride and groom.
Their Westminster company is called Pawsitively Purrfect Products and has a
trademark on the cart.
Watch television coverage on Denver's NBC affiliate, Channel 9 and on
Denver's CW affiliate, Channel 2 on our video page.